Stop hackers and bots now

BotFence™ automatically blocks IP addresses with hacking attempts on your windows server services (rdp, FTP, SQL-Server) using the Windows firewall.
If your Windows server is accessible from the internet and you want certain services like remote desktop, FTP transfers or SQL-Server to be available from outside then hacking attempts on your server will definitely be made. Numerous automated hacking tools, called "bots" are active on the internet. They scan IP address ranges for published services and when they find FTP, RDP or SQL-Server services active they will try hundreds or even thousands of frequently-used passwords. "Administrator" (rdp) and "sa" (superuser for SQL-Server) are the most targeted accounts. As long as the bots don't guess your passwords right you'll probably never know about them, apart from the high server load caused by the thousands of login attempts. We have a free tool that you can use to scan your server logs for hacking attempts to find out if you are a target as well: AttackTracer
In Windows Server systems the Windows extended firewall would be the ideal tool to block the IP-Addresses of these bots trying to get in. But the firewall doesn't automatically list the IP-Addresses of these bots.
We created BotFence to solve exactly this problem. The software runs as a Windows background service and monitors RDP, FTP und SQL-Server events for failed logins. If a configurable number of failed login events is detected from the same IP address BotFence dynamically lists that IP address in the Windows firewall as blocked. In addition BotFence uses heuristics to detect attacks from botnets, distributed computers running a coordinate attack on your servers.
You can view BotFence live on our own servolutions.com webserver.
You may be surprized to find out the countries from where the attacks originate.
Test the full product for 30 days without any restrictions. If you are sure BotFence meets your needs you can order the software online.
This version automatically converts to the full, non time limited product once you enter a license key.

- Dynamically blocks IP addresses of attacking bots in the Windows firewall
- Monitors Remote Desktop, SQL-Server, Wordpress sites, FTP and Filezilla-FTP
- Shows the country of the attackers
- Notifies the administrator by email about newly blocked hacking attempts
- Sends daily or weekly summaries of the blocked attacks with details to the administrator
- We are always adding new sources of attack IP addresses to the product. If you have special software that also logs failed login attempts we would love to hear about it. Just email our support.
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- System requirements
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Want to just check your server first?
Before you install BotFence on your system you can have your system checked for traces of previous hack attempts and bots activity:
We have a free tool that you can use to scan your server logs for hacking attempts to find out if you are a target as well: AttackTracer