
Exchange does not accept some email from POPcon and keeps saying "550 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused"!


-----Original Message-----

Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 09:17:00 -0500
Subject: Exchange refuses to take email from POPcon

Dear All

We have a version of POPcon, and we have received this error: "08/01/05 08:28:38: Mail transfer to Exchange failed, reason: Exchange did not acknowlege sent data / end-of-mail marker. [550 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused"]


Can you help me and tell me which is this error and how resolve.




this error means that your Exchange server's intelligent message filtering option is enabled and configured to reject filtered emails. You need to change the configuration to either "No Action" (that will cause the filtered messages to end of in the end users Junk E-Mail folder) or "delete":

Open the Exchange System Manager, Global Settings, Message Delivery, Properties:


Then switch to the "Intelligent Message Filtering" tab:

Intelligent Message Filtering tab

In the Gateway Blocking Configuration please ensure that "When blocking messages:" is set to "No Action" or anything else but not "Reject".

09-11-2005: Just found out that some antivirus products, notably "Symantec Mail Security" also have a built-in antispam feature that causes the same error message.