
POPcon Downloads

POPcon v4.7.18 - free trial version and/or update version

Please note: The upgrade from v3.x to the new version v4.x is free only for licenses bought within the last 12 months.

POPcon for 64 bit Exchange 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 or 2007:


POPcon for 32 bit Exchange 2003 and 2000:

Unfortunately, POPcon 4.x is based on Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 and does not work on the Windows Serrver versions that run Exchange 2003. For use with these very old Exchange versions please install the new POPcon 4 on any Windows 10 computer in the same network. POPcon connects to Exchange via SMTP and does not need to run on the same system.

Test the full product for 30 days without any restrictions. If you are sure POPcon meets your needs you can order the software online.

This version automatically converts to the full, non time limited product once you enter a license key.

How to upgrade to this version from a previous version:

1. Uninstall old Version. All your configuration settings will be kept in the registry.

2. Run the installation software from the above link and follow the instruction. All your configuration settings will be imported from any old installation.

What was changed between versions?

POPcon version history